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The USA Made Custom Promotional Products in Bulk - The Right Way To Market Your Brand

Getting familiar with Promotional Products. How many times did you enjoy your favorite drink from a logoed glass? Or carried a bag with the brand name over it? Or used a calendar updated with a company’s logo? We bet countless times. These items are just a few examples of promotional products available in and around you. If you notice, you will see tons of products printed with a brand name, logo, or slogan associated with a certain brand - these are custom promotional products. Promotional products are custom items used by various brands, non-profit organizations, and other businesses for marketing and increasing their visibility. Use them at your business, give them away as freebies, or sell them to generate extra revenue, custom promotional products allow you to make a lasting impression in the market.

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The True Value of Promotional Products

In this digital age, it is easy to overlook the power that promotional products hold. These custom items can offer great value to your brand while creating brand recognition among the masses. In fact, they can actually be better than untargeted radio or TV commercials and hoardings for marketing, in some cases. People tend to forget billboard ads or magazine placements (unless they are super creative and unique), but they will most likely remember the custom promotional products they have received.

According to a few studies, around 85% of the recipients went on to do business with the brand after receiving the custom items. And almost half of the people do not throw them away, instead pass them on to a friend or colleague. So, if your company is still not utilizing the power of promotional products, you are missing out on opportunities to improve your marketing plan and create a wider audience for your brand and services.

Describing Custom Design

Custom design is something that is made specifically for a brand or a person. In other words, when you create a design or symbol that differentiates you from the rest, it can be called a custom design. In order to upgrade the branding plan, it is critical to take this custom design to the masses using different means. Investing in cheap custom promotional products is one such method where you imprint your design on a range of functional items and objects. When consumers receive these items, they recall the brand name for a more extended period of time. Also, it creates goodwill and recognition among the public.


Some Products that can be Custom-Made


Customization is not just about imprinting your personalized logos or text on every product that you see. Since it is essential for marketing your brand, you need to find the perfect products to be custom-made specifically for you. There are a plethora of custom promotional items to select from. You can invest in low-cost custom office supplies, including notebooks, pens, pen drives, or calendars. Besides this, custom T-shirts, sunglasses, bags, and keychains are the go-to options for several industries. Kitchenware, such as coffee mugs, tumblers, and stadium cups are other excellent items that you can imprint with the brand’s logo, name, and text.

Know the Top 3 Reasons People love Keeping Promotional Products

Functionality - The simplest reason is, of course, is the functionality of the promotional products. Most people who receive custom products hang on to them because they can be used for various purposes. You can imprint your personalized logo, design, or text on office supplies or electronic gadgets, everything can be a promotional product associated with your business. Until they are useful, they will be used by the recipients reminding them of your brand.

Loyalty- Another reason why people keep custom promotional products is their loyalty towards the brand. If consumers have an exceptional experience with the brand, they will keep the promotional products and often talk about them. Therefore, generating more positive leads for your brand and services.

Design - No one can deny how quirky and trendy products can attract consumers. If they receive custom promotional products that fit their style, they are surely going to love them. From sunglasses and bags to tumblers, t-shirts, and more, there is no dearth of designer promotional products that speak to your clients specifically. Such products are cheap and economical, making it easier for brands to keep updated with the latest trends and designs.

Discover the Reasons - Why You Should Buy Promotional Products USA?

High-quality Products - Made in USA custom promotional products speak of quality, expert craftsmanship, excellent creativity, and cheap prices. While the quality of these marketing products is monitored for the best results, the imported goods do not ensure quality and longevity. In other words, when consumers purchase US-made products, they have more control over what exactly they are getting. For this reason, it is always the best decision to opt for promotional products USA-made and imprint them with your personalized logo, design, or text.

Positive Influence on the National Economy - Besides offering top-notch product quality and cheap prices, investing in US promotional products also influences the national economy. Buying these domestic marketing products not only keeps the money but also brings the money into the US economy.

Increase in job opportunities - Well, it is no wonder manufacturing is a significant sector that proliferates. If you buy custom promotion products in bulk from USA manufacturers at low and affordable prices, this sector will witness significant expansion, thus creating more jobs within this industry. A growing manufacturing sector and more jobs mean growth in the national economy.

Impact on Environment - Owing to the various latest technologies, the manufacturing process in the US has taken a step towards using sustainable and eco-friendly practices. Thus, the custom products created in the USA do not affect the environment. Additionally, you can do your bit by controlling the carbon emissions from transportation in case of longer transits.

Benefits of Choosing USA Promotional Products

While the benefits are countless, here is a list of top reasons why products made in America are ideal for marketing and low on budget.

Superior Quality - Promotional products made in the USA do not compromise on quality at all. The manufacturers across the nation meet higher standards for quality, offering you exceptional promotion products at a cheap and reasonable cost. As the quality of American products continues to improve, so does the loyalty of consumers. Thus, it is in the best interests of your brand to start marketing by investing in promotional products USA made.

Improved Flexibility - Whether you want wholesale promotional products in the USA in a shorter period of time or want to have smaller quantities, buying USA-made products allows more flexibility. You can imprint your brand name, logo, or text as you like. It means low warehouse costs, easy contact, and hassle-free delivery.

Timely Delivery - We have just mentioned how buying USA-made custom promotional products can ensure timely and speedy delivery. The benefit of time in delivering goods can never be overlooked. You can get your hands on your marketing items quickly without relying on longer transits and distant manufacturers.

Why Should You Include Promotional Products in Your Marketing Mix?

Wondering why you should bother about including custom promotional products in your marketing strategy? Well, they are low in budget, versatile, and deliver a better cost per impression. Still not convinced? Have a look at the top reasons to include promotional products in your existing marketing plan.

Getting Your Name Out There - No points for guessing! The primary reason for using these custom-printed tangible items is to increase the visibility of your brand. If the target audience does not know about your existence, your brand will not do well for long. Your brand needs to be seen again and again. And what else can be better than stylish and cheap custom products to reward you better exposure, great reach, and better marketing?

Brand Recognition - Call it brand recognition or brand awareness; it is one of the top reasons brands relied on promotional products. Since these printed products have a longer shelf life, they keep reminding the customers about your brand and services - while being low in overall cost. You can recognize Starbucks when you see its logo, right? This is what custom promotional products can do for your brand as well.

Reach Your Target Audience - Does your brand target women? Imprint classic bags or custom bracelets with your logo or text for them. If they are sports lovers, a custom t-shirt must be your pick. In simpler words, promotional products can be tailor-made according to your target demographics, thus, reaching them without any hassle. This feature makes them an integral part of every brand’s marketing strategy.

Long-lasting and Memorable - It is no surprise that people tend to remember things they see often. So, if they see a custom pen or office supplies on their desks, a custom bag every time they go out, or a printed tumbler several times a day, they will be etched in their memories for an extended period. They will remember who gave it to them, thus, increasing customer loyalty and improved marketing. Isn’t it a win-win situation?

Cost-Effective Marketing - While there are tons of advertising and marketing campaigns spread across different media, they are only available to well-established organizations. Many startups and small businesses cannot afford to invest a hefty amount or plan out a marketing strategy that works well! Thanks to custom promotional products, marketing your brand is more effortless and under a low budget. To put it simply, they deliver exceptional value for your investment.


A Brief Introduction to PPAI


PPAI or Promotional Products Association International is the largest non-profit trade association for distributors and suppliers of the promotional product industry. PPAI is a trusted platform offering education, essential resources, and knowledge to over 15,000 global members. Being a member of this organization helps businesses to reach newer heights.

Besides this, it organizes The PPAI EXPO, the industry’s largest annual trade show in the month of January. This event provides an exceptional opportunity to witness more than thousands of custom promotional products from several exhibitors. Not only this, there are various events throughout the year to ensure the success of its members.


25 Facts That Oozes the Power of Promotional Products

The impact of custom promotional products does not require any introduction anymore. It has continued to transform the marketing scenario for brands globally. While much has already been talked about them, check out these 25 instance facts about promotional products to take your marketing plan on another level.

  1. A total of 6 in 10 US consumers keep the promotional productions for up to two years.
  2. More than half of recipients say they use a custom promotional item at least once a week.
  3. Only 55% of people had been a customer before receiving the product. On the other hand, around 80% started business afterward.
  4. Around 40% of people who received a custom promotional product can remember the brand’s name for over 6 months.
  5. 89% of the US customers can recall the advertiser even after 2 years of receiving the products.
  6. 50% of people have said they formed a positive opinion about the brand after receiving the custom items.
  7. Over 59% of employees maintain a more favorable impression of their workplace after receiving the custom products.
  8. By incorporating a trendy custom promotional product, you can increase the effectiveness of your marketing mix by nearly 44%.
  9. Over 60% of people said they would pass the promotion products instead of throwing them.
  10. Only 20% of consumers tend to throw away unwanted custom promotional products with the brand's logo and text.
  11. Approximately 48% of US consumers stated they would love to receive functional promotional products more often.
  12. Consumers are 2.5 times more likely to build a positive brand reputation with promotional products than online advertising.
  13. 52% of people are more likely to attend an exhibition with giveaways.
  14. For over 72% of consumers, the quality of custom promotional products is directly related to the brand’s reputation.
  15. Around 42% of people form a better opinion of the custom promotion products are environmentally-friendly.
  16. Promotional products have the capability to draw as much as 500 percent more referrals than a review or any other promotion.

Product-specific facts

  1. Custom apparels have the highest recall value when you imprint them with your logo, text, or symbol, with over 80% of people remembering the brand name.
  2. 47% of people hang on to their custom t-shirt for over 2 years.
  3. Besides wearables, office supplies, bags, and drinkware are the most favorite product categories.
  4. 90% of US consumers have one or more custom promotional items in their kitchen.
  5. 31% of the people own a promotion bag.
  6. Custom bags generate nearly 6,000 impressions over their lifetime.
  7. Promotional calendars have the ability to generate over 850 impressions till the time it is used.
  8. Promotional mugs are incredibly practical as more than 57% of people recall the brand name.
  9. Over 20% of US consumers have more than 10 custom promotional writing instruments, including custom pens and pencils.


How do I get custom products?

Getting your hands on custom promotional products at low prices to escalate your marketing growth is just a matter of a few clicks on your smartphones or laptops. You can browse the website, select the products you like, submit your design or artwork, and place your order. Once you place the order, you will receive an email along with your order number. The representatives will then take care of your custom order, make suggestions, solve your queries or doubts, and confirm delivery dates. If you have just started with your business and do not have any imprint design, you can take the assistance of the expert team. After the design is finalized and all the details are received, your custom products go into production and will be made available to you at cheap prices.

Why Choose Us?

Expertise and Quality - Several businesses have come to depend on us for our top-notch quality, expertise, outstanding customer service, and low prices over the years. We are a family-owned and operated business working with brands from a range of industries to transform their marketing plan.

We Customize it Just for You - You can count on us for our one-on-one service at every step of creating the best custom products for your brand. We earn your trust by offering expert advice 24/7 via email, chat, or phone calls. We also offer free design services on all orders.

On-time delivery - We understand how precious your time is. Thus, we deliver 99% of our custom promotional products on time without any hassle.

An incredible range - We offer an updated catalog of more than 20,000 custom promotional products at cheap prices, so there is something for everyone.

Guaranteed Satisfaction- We built our reputation on customer satisfaction. Our team of experts continues to keep raising the standards of innovation, creativity, and quality to gain the trust of every customer. We also offer free product samples and visual proof before you buy our custom products.